well to start it off, I feel like I'm being watched.
Our power got cut out sunday when I came home from gregs, and somehow the channels that had disappeared came back like MTV and CN(yeah I still like cartoons).
my B-day is coming this thursday so wish me some b-day cheer sometime....
and third of all I found this new game I enjoy quite alot, it's named "S4 League" sure the download is long but it's worth it.
Basically in this game your goal is to earn experience to do more things you coundn't do before and the only to that is by play angianst other players online with your basic weapon the plasma sword and dual pistols that shoot rapidly(these are your starters you can buy more on the way)
The certain games you play are touchedown(were you try to put a robot they call a ball in the other teams goal) deathmatch(you already know) others are just practice and the tutorials.
And after awhile me greg just got addicted to it to play and download it go here
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